Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Ol' JR returned to RAW for WWE Old School

For those who had watched Monday Night RAW last night (in Malaysia), you can see WWE Hall of Famer, Jim Ross returned to RAW after he was drafted to Smackdown about 2 years ago and left commentator desk for 1 year and 1 month.

As he was introduced by another WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel, Michael Cole started to questioned Jerry "The King" Lawler, "Why is he doing here? This is my show." Jerry "The King" Lawler was happy to see his old friend returning to the commentator desk and both King with JR gave their best to call on the match between Daniel Bryan and Jack Swagger.

Unlike Michael Cole, (even though he is on-screen turned heel) he keep his biases toward certain superstars or NXT rookies. Jim Ross justified both superstars without putting bias attacks when he was calling a match. Michael Cole was ignored by JR during the whole match and he even went to nap, to hope the match will end when he awakes.

When the match was over, Michael "shooing" JR away but JR refused to move. Off a sudden, Ted Dibiase Jr. attacked Daniel Bryan. Justin Roberts formally gave thanks to JR and JR stood up, removed his cowboy hat and swatted Cole with it before leaving.

In JR's Twitter post did stated that he was happy to return as commentator along with King. He also hope to get another shoot next time.


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