Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Facebook Unification?

I am currently using two different Facebook account. The first account bears my Japanese name is my primary account and created many years ago before it was made famous. My second account bears my English name. That Facebook account is use to add PLU people and to separate my real life with my work life. Most of my students and colleagues are available in the second account.

After many incidents had happened, I was thinking to unify both of my Facebook account into using just one account which bears my Japanese name. Since Facebook also allows additional name, it do think it will not be a big problem after all. I will only retaining my primary Facebook and wanted to retires my second account.

However, if I do unify both of my accounts, I might need to talk in proper manner. No more bursting out with "unlikely" languages. I need to think twice before I can really unify both of the accounts. The danger is always present to bring you down to the ground. I do need some times to think about it properly before I can continue on with my plan.


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