Thursday, March 25, 2010

Viruses are spreading everywhere

Recently many viruses are spreading – almost everywhere. Influenza A, H1N1 struck and claimed its first victim last month. It was so sudden that Influenza A, H1N1 returned for (don’t know how many waves) these past months. Furthermore, that person who had passed away (1st person who died of H1N1) already consulted doctor and not even the doctor could examine the presence of that particular influenza.

In addition of global warming and El Nino climate change, Malaysia might once again into a difficulty of draught season until this May. The government had warned its citizen to save up the usage of water, in case of the El Nino climate change continues for a longer time. On the other side, the climate change had make Malaysian (includes you, me and everybody else) facing cough, sore throat, fever, normal influenza and other normal diseases.

My mother and my cousin sister became victims of cough, influenza and fever. My mom had bad stomach back few days ago before she felt sick of those three diseases. Meanwhile, my cousin sister was very well back few days ago. After that, she also has fever, cough and influenza. She unable to sleep the whole night (2 nights ago) and caused my mother also unable to sleep well.

There is still more about the viruses’ stories. Recently, head office suffered virus invasion into the laptop used for mobile number registration. My boss had sent the laptop and repaired it into a better condition. However, when the internet plug was plugged, the viruses again infected the computer. It cause the only operation (company’s) computer is in my workplace. Head office sent their registration to us and we need to the registration for them. The laptop is under security threat and still under restoration.

  • Rumor says that NTV7’s website also been invaded by viruses. NTV7’s Twitter management posted their status on the net and blamed Google for the error (which make NTV7’s website only accessible using Internet Explorer.
  • This few weeks, we were unable to do any Hotlink registrations too. Meanwhile, these few days, Maxis couldn’t make any calls/SMSes or receive calls/SMSes.
  • RapidKL’s LRT services interruption. Most probably, the main computer infected with viruses, causes the interruption (because PUTRA LRT uses computer to control the trains).


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