Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To: Salesmen, Saleswomen, Salesgirl, Beggars, Street Monks and etc.

To: Salesmen, Saleswomen, Salesgirl.
I am understood that everyone needs to work hard to get his/her jobs done. You all can find other people to buy your products rather to ask us (my brother and I) to buy it. We are also working too. No point to ask it from us. We also need money to survive our daily life. Go and target those earn (many) money rather to ask us (with salary plus commission, not over RM1000).

To: Fake Beggars.
Be a person with dignity. No one was born as a perfect person. Every people need money too, but you still have your hands and legs. Why won’t you ask for any jobs which can pay salary (which can afford your life)? No matter, young or old – lifetime learning will brings you a great fortune. I had seen many beggars (especially with kids) would beg and used up the money in KFC, McD or expensive restaurants. If you were the unfortunate one, ask helps from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. There are many things you can learn and do rather to sit on a wheel chair or crawl on the road.

To: Street Monks.
Buddha did not ever asked you to beg for donation (some Thai monks too). I am not going to offence Buddhist but Buddha’s karma told that if you were to go and asked people for fake donation, your afterlife will be in Hell. Would you want to be there? Your sins will not be cleansed by meditation or by reading the Sutras.

To: Those in ‘etc.’ categories – Skim Cepat Kaya or Ramalan 4D (or what Ds).
I will not be a fool by trusting what you say. I know that there was no such thing to make money in a short period of time. Not even a millionaire can be a millionaire within a day (if only, you were the winner of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’).

P/S: Do not make me use the hard way to get rid of these people (who come to our workplace) and disturb our business. If I did not disturb yours, you better don’t disturb mine. Time is GOLD. Don’t waste our time to listen to your ‘grandmother stories’.

Do not visit this shop (for salesmen, saleswomen, salesgirls, beggars, street monks and etc.)
18, Jalan Damai Perdana 1/9c, Bandar Damai Perdana Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
*If you want to buy things from us, you are always welcome.


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